Welcome to Websim-Compass!
WEBSIM-COMPASS is a scientific instrument simulator dedicated to the E-ELT, and developed in the frame of the COMPASS project. This simulator builds on the previous series of WEBSIM simulators developed during the ESO E-ELT Design Reference Mission and Instrument Phase A studies. The WEBSIM-COMPASS observations simulator consists in a web interface coupled to an IDL code, which allows the user to perform end-to-end simulations of all E-ELT optical/NIR imagers and spectrographs foreseen for the future 39m European Extremely Large Telescope, i.e., MICADO, HARMONI, and MOSAIC. The simulation pipeline produces fake simulations in FITS format that mimic the result of a data reduction pipeline with perfectly extracted/reduced data.
A global description of WEBSIM-COMPASS can be found in the SPIE2016 paper. Please cite this paper if you make use of WEBSIM-COMPASS in a publication. Read more about WEBSIM and the former versions and results here.